Since the Summer Olympics 2008 have commenced, I will be periodically updating my blog with the news of our Storyhead Music Video piece featuring the Olympic Swim Team, and also random thoughts about China.
Here is the first:
According to Yahoo News:
Meteorologists fired 1104 "rain dispersal rockets" into clouds over Beijing on Friday night in China's biggest operation of its kind to help prevent showers ruining the Olympic Games opening ceremony.
The rockets were fired from 21 sites to blow away clouds forming over the Games opening ceremony, the state-controlled Xinhua news agency reported.
"It was the largest rain dispersal operation in China, and the first time that such technology has been used to ensure the weather conditions for the Olympic opening," said Xinhua, citing Chinese meteorologists.
China has long dabbled in rain dispersal and rain-making technology, using a vast array of chemicals to either induce or prevent rainfall.
Scientists have viewed the technology as promising, but acknowledge that no method has been developed to objectively prove that such techniques work.
Well, this makes me feel better about the world.
What if you were an Olympian, waiting for your event, and you realized you were now radioactive because of Rocket-Dispersal-Rain-Clouds dumping their toxic waste on you.
Even better, what if you were in a region, chronically plagued by drought and you suddenly found a miracle answer to making rain appear. You just spend I don't know what the average rocket costs, but I'm assuming somewhere in the... millions? So, you spend that money on the rocket instead of the more sensible option of I don't know...irrigation? a dam? Another river for heaven's sake?!
Anyway, you send the rockets up and they produce the rain. The farmers can grow their crop. People are fed. A nice solution, right?
Right. Until... you have farmers growing extra limbs, corn cobs that resemble the Incredible Hulk, and even better, a cycle of toxic waste that continues to pollute your country as well as the globe. But it's ok. Because... you made it rain when it didn't want to.
And you kept the opening ceremonies dry.
Wow, China, Wow.