"These People" Short Film Shoot

This weekend, I had the pleasure of working with Ms. Angie Gaffney, Mr. Boris Wexler and Mr. Christian Ambrose among others to create a short film entitled, "These People." To give you the scope, we had 25+ cast and crew members both shoot days.

Boris had approached me to produce the piece - a great human interest story that takes place shortly after September 11th between two men at their respective father's death beds.

The shoot went well this weekend, with 2 full 12-hour days. The previous weekend we shot exteriors at a suburban location, this weekend we were in St Joseph Hospital in the city of Chicago. I was incredibly impressed with what footage I saw, and the dedication of the cast and crew that signed up to work for our film. I cannot wait to see what the final product looks like!


Dallas: Slurpee Battle of the Bands

On the road again, just can't wait to get back on the road again...

Dallas! Home of all things vast, sprawling and Texan, of course. Yesterday I flew down to Dallas to work on Dreaming Tree Film's Battle of the Bands program sponsored by Slurpee. Basically, we are producing 4 music videos in 72 hours, and they will compete head to head in a vote-off. The bands already had to fight to garner a spot in the top 4, so it should be a great time.

The most exciting part of coming into Dallas is Tropical Storm Hermine's fabulous remnants. I have never seen so much rain as yesterday, where we had to drive to the hotel from the airport amongst sheets of wet. Then, the evening kicked off with a tornado warning as a tornado touched down just outside downtown Dallas, a few miles from us.

I hope the rest of the week goes by less eventfully! We've got a location reccy happening this morning, followed by intern training. Coupled with that I've got a short film I'm producing vicariously. Busy busy busy! But all very exciting.

The biggest excitement is my upcoming art show collaboration with some artist friends of mine. Hoping to sell my photos, as well as when I return to Chicago, put them up in the Pannenkoeken Cafe in Wicker Park. I'll be promoting the heck out of the cafe, so if you are in the neighborhood go down and grab some yummy Dutch pancakes!

Thanks and Cheers,