Fresh Films

And, this weeks blog post brought to you by: San Francisco, the city of endless color.

I'm out here producing for Fresh Films Fall Break, our flagship program for Dreaming Tree Films. Back at it, with young filmmakers coming from around the country to get together and in 7 days create a short film.

I also got to visit Mr. Stefano "Sor" Canta, who moved out here recently. Last night he took me on a driving tour of the city with not 1, not 2 but 3 scenic views of the Golden Gate bridge. After a short adventure to find the "twin peaks" we got a breathtaking view of the city at night, where I got this great shot.

After that, on to dinner at an Italian restaurant Amarena where Stefano found 3 new Italian friends with which to hang out.

New Logo!

Check out the FABULOUS new logo, Marie Basarich, graphic designer extraordinaire came up with for my Photography!

Will be on hand at the Ravenswood Art Walk this Saturday and Sunday, 1807. W. Sunnyside Ave 2E Chicago, IL

Thanks, Marie! You've got a special pumpkin spice latte coming your way! If you guys need any graphic design, website, logo work, please check her out at


"These People" Short Film Shoot

This weekend, I had the pleasure of working with Ms. Angie Gaffney, Mr. Boris Wexler and Mr. Christian Ambrose among others to create a short film entitled, "These People." To give you the scope, we had 25+ cast and crew members both shoot days.

Boris had approached me to produce the piece - a great human interest story that takes place shortly after September 11th between two men at their respective father's death beds.

The shoot went well this weekend, with 2 full 12-hour days. The previous weekend we shot exteriors at a suburban location, this weekend we were in St Joseph Hospital in the city of Chicago. I was incredibly impressed with what footage I saw, and the dedication of the cast and crew that signed up to work for our film. I cannot wait to see what the final product looks like!


Dallas: Slurpee Battle of the Bands

On the road again, just can't wait to get back on the road again...

Dallas! Home of all things vast, sprawling and Texan, of course. Yesterday I flew down to Dallas to work on Dreaming Tree Film's Battle of the Bands program sponsored by Slurpee. Basically, we are producing 4 music videos in 72 hours, and they will compete head to head in a vote-off. The bands already had to fight to garner a spot in the top 4, so it should be a great time.

The most exciting part of coming into Dallas is Tropical Storm Hermine's fabulous remnants. I have never seen so much rain as yesterday, where we had to drive to the hotel from the airport amongst sheets of wet. Then, the evening kicked off with a tornado warning as a tornado touched down just outside downtown Dallas, a few miles from us.

I hope the rest of the week goes by less eventfully! We've got a location reccy happening this morning, followed by intern training. Coupled with that I've got a short film I'm producing vicariously. Busy busy busy! But all very exciting.

The biggest excitement is my upcoming art show collaboration with some artist friends of mine. Hoping to sell my photos, as well as when I return to Chicago, put them up in the Pannenkoeken Cafe in Wicker Park. I'll be promoting the heck out of the cafe, so if you are in the neighborhood go down and grab some yummy Dutch pancakes!

Thanks and Cheers,


Last week I was having a pretty rough week, without much work coming through. I had a really interesting chance to appear on camera in a documentary on travel, which subsequently fell through. Then I got the call to do some production work on a Discovery Channel show.

Speaking of, it has been a lifelong dream of mine to work on National Geographic and Discovery Channel documentaries. They are always such strong stories with great visuals and central characters.

This week the story was up in Waukegan, IL following a murder investigation. It was a chilling tale that will translate well to television. More importantly, it was an incredible opportunity to learn from the best of the best - our producer, sound engineer and director of photography. I can't wait to put up the link for when the show will air - most likely November/December.


City Lit Theatre Presents:

Hi Everyone,

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing my good friend Kristi Bogart's performance of "False Reverence," a one-woman play that her friend Randall Coburn wrote. I have been working with Kristi for the past few weeks developing a video-collaboration for her show. A little bit about the show, she plays a girl who has recently been baptized for her boyfriend, David, only to realize she's not a Christian and instead is tormented by her own psychosis.

The video interpretation was amazing; we worked to collaborate our collective vision of what these "conscience moments" looked like, and coupled with our friend Jesse Valenciana playing the role of the demon, were able to create a great work. It's very interpretive, lots of soft focus, rack focus shots abruptly cut between video static, as if that's what happening in her brain.

If you get a chance to check out the show, it's playing this Sunday off Bryn Mawr up in Edgewater, you will not be disappointed. I hope to put up a few snippets of the performance here soon.

Thanks! and Cheers,

The National - In Concert

I just love love LOVE going to see amazing live bands. Hate seeing bands live, that are not so good. Hate more bands that I know nothing about, that are anything less than amazing.

Enter, The National.

Possibly one of the best live bands ever, they feature a beautiful baritone singer, brass instruments, keyboards, amazing guitars, you name it. Couple all of this with the fact that they are generally chill, perceptive and thought-provoking people and you have an epidemic on your hands.

I discovered them a little late, after last years Kyocera documentary, but better late than never! Seeing them live brings me such happiness I'm like a kid in an Adidas factory store...

So after an incredibly kind hook-up with free tickets at the House of Blues here in Chicago, I got the chance to shoot their show from front and center, about 10 feet away. I felt inspired over the past few days to create some art with it. Enjoy!


Greece Photoshoots

A few of the best shots, from my time again in Santorini.


It's Raining in Como!

Ah well, here I sit, 3 days after the wedding of my sister Ila, to Marco Bernasconi. Their wedding was officiated by the actual mayor of Como, a very well-put together Italian man, and many of our friends and family were there to support them. It was an absolutely beautiful day.

Eva, Jane and I got up early and got ready. We then headed over to Ila's suite at the Hotel Suisse Metropolitano to help her get ready. The photographer, Alberto, would shoot most of her getting ready and then head to the ceremony. So we got there and Eva and Jane went into professional mode. Eva, a pathologist with a strong fine arts background was responsible for Ila's hair. Jane, a lawyer with an affinity for makeup, was responsible for Ila's face. They did an amazing job! Alberto arrived and shot my mom, creating the bouquet of white roses for Ila. We helped her put on her dress. I was able to relax, knowing Alberto was a great photographer and I could simply get fun shots to add to the collection.

After the ceremony at the Villa by the lake, we took some photos. It was a sunny, clear, bright day and my sunhat was a huge success! After this, Lele, one of Marco's best friends, drove Ila, Marco and I up to Molina di Faggeto, and Villa Nessi where the reception was to be held. We arrived and walked up the cobblestone steps to the Villa, where a breathtaking view of the lake awaited us.

After delicious nibblies, we headed up to the main level to sit down for the formal 6 hour dinner. In between courses of sea bass, risotto and zucchini compote we could wander through the old gardens, and marvel at the lake and surrounding mountains.

The day was beautiful, and after a few hours the festivities had died down. Luckily, there was the Champions League finals game happening between Bayern Munich and Internazionale Milan. With Como being only an hour by train from Milan, it was the equivalent of the superbowl for them. Inter ended up winning 2-0, how could they not win on this special day?

We took the bus back into town, rocking out to my iPod on the way down. Little did we know that the entire town would be going crazy for the soccer game win. Inter fans were everywhere, in the streets, on the sidewalks, playing their bongos and chanting. Then they spotted the "sposi", the newly married couple. Everyone was yelling, "Viva gli Sposi!" Long live the married couple! It was insane! Ila and Marco got picked up on the shoulders of the crowd and run down the street. All I could see was her bouquet flying down the road. People were asking Marco if they could kiss his bride. Random photographers were taking their picture. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The night wrapped up with us going back to our rooms, with full bellies and hearts. It was a beautiful day, not to be forgotten and I'm so thankful that I was a part of it!



Hello my friends!

I have arrived safely and soundly in Santorini, Greece. I'm staying in Perissa Beach, right off the black sand beach which is hot on the little piggies if you know what I mean! Yesterday I got in about 6pm, got to my hostel by the nice airport transfer and then got to check out the area. I was pretty much beat after 24 hours of travel, so it was nice to get in, chill out with my book and pass out.

I got up early today and went for a run along the beach road. Luckily, I saw 2 other people on my run, but I still think those Greeks were saying, 'Kalimera! Good Morning, you crazy girl!'

Then I went for a walk to explore and see what had changed in the beach since I had last come here in 2007. It's not high season yet so there are still a few places that haven't opened yet, but the staples are here. Beach bar, check. Yazz Club, check check. And the BAKERY! Yes, my favorite place here has got to be the Bakery run by Vasiliki or Theomopoulous or George, I don't know his name... yet. But I'm planning on going there daily. For around 1.5E a meal, you can't beat it.

So I'm waiting for Aggie to arrive. Hilights on my adventure so far are sitting next to the Hungarian grandpa during my long haul flight to Milan. He shared his snacks with me and he almost missed his connecting flights to Budapest. I was translating from Italian to English for him, with gestures. Another, on our short flight from Athens into Santorini - we couldn't take off because one of the carry on bags in the back of the plane was... wait for it... vibrating. So there is some confusion in the back. All we keep hearing is, "It'sah Viii-brating-ah." in a strong Greek accent.

Finally, Mrs. Potter comes back and claims her bag and reaches in and shuts off the vibrating object. Then, blushing profusely, walks back to her seat and announces, "It's alright, it was just a shaver!" Everyone chuckled a little.

That's about it for now. Please enjoy some photos from our hostel and the flowers here on my walk today.


Carla Goes Postal... again!

Hi Friends,

So tomorrow is the big day - I leave Chicago and head out to Europe. I fly from Chicago - JFK, then JFK onto Milan. Should be interesting considering the ash cloud that is "Eyjafjallajokull." Under normal circumstances I would be delighted to read about an active volcano for those of you that know me and know my obsession with obsidian et al.

After that I fly from Milan to Athens, then on to Santorini. It will be a miracle if I get in on my original times and flights. I have notified Xagoririas Vasiliki, my hotel owner of my travel problems however as his name is Xagoririas, I have little faith he understands all my complex requests and directions.

I was truly delighted to discover that I packed my list of clothes, hair products, shoes and still had room left over. For those of you that have followed this blog from the beginning, that is an epic win. When CarlaGoesPostal was launched it was the birth of the '5th Grader' a nickname I lovingly gave to my rucksack that was the size of an American born 10 year old. Huge. Sadly, he won't be accompanying me this trip. And also, when you pack for 4 months and several different climates it's a lot harder to fit your life into a 40 gallon bag. 4 weeks is much more manageable... sigh...

So I hope you keep checking this spot, as I'll be posting pics, funny stories and keeping you 'posted' on my going postal. First stop: Santa Irina. God help a duck!

As always, thanks and cheers,

Photoshoot - Espresso Cups

So, in addition to my addictions to soccer, running, traveling, languages, books, photography... I digress. I must add to that list: Coffee. Namely, espresso. My sister bought me an amazing little set of espresso cups and I've always found them to be inspirational - their sleek and modern design, their colors, everything. So this morning I woke up and felt the need to shoot them. See some of the photos below!

Cheers and Be inspired,

Finding Thin - Feature Film New Trailer

Check out the exclusive new trailer for Finding Thin, a documentary based right here in Chicago about health, obesity and the weight-crisis in America. I've jumped on board as a Co-Producer and this project really resonates with me. We've had some great talent take part in the film so far, and we're very excited to gain some more great resources in the next month. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with how the film is going, and send this trailer out to everyone you know. The more views and support we get now, the better the film will be and the more people will learn about our very important message.

See the film here!

As Always, Thanks and Cheers,

Jillian Michaels

So, I'm co-producing for a feature documentary called "Finding Thin" .

I set up this interview with Jillian Michaels on location for her new show "Losing it with Jillian" premiering on NBC June 1st. She gave us a wonderful interview; insightful, passionate and empathetic. She's an amazing resource for us and will be an incredible asset to our film. Check out some of the photos from production below!


"Medicine" Short Film

Hey everyone,

Please check out this hilarious video I did with my good friends Kristi Bogart and Jesse Valenciana - it came from an idea at dinner on Tuesday night, I wrote it, produced it, shot it and edited it within 48 hours. Not to shabby!

See the video here:


Follow Me!

Hey everyone,

I've recently added a "Follow Me" tab to my blog, allowing you guys to keep up to date with my posts. I'm also looking to grow the number of people who see this blog, and really start a conversation with the things I post. Please send it on to your friends, family, randoms, you name it! And tell them all to share it as well. I'd love to hear your feedback!

PS - This week's poll on where your mind wanders off to during work. Check it out!


National Guard Documentaries

Hey everyone! A few months ago I had the privilege of traveling around the country, from South Carolina to Minnesota to Texas to produce a documentary with high school and college kids on the National Guard's green initiatives.

I posted a few pictures from the filmmakers, but now the docs are edited and live! All the filmmakers now need YOUR support in voting!

Here's how it works: you can view each doc here at FRESH-DOCS.COM - there are 4 of them - SC, TX, MN and NV. Then, you vote as many times as possible until Feb. 15th. Send the link on to all your friends, family, networks to really get this amazing work out there. And tell them to vote as many times as possible also!

I'd also love to hear your feedback on the docs, please email me your favorite and a little bit about why it was. I'm so in love with all of them from working with all the youth, it would be great to hear your opinions!

Thanks and cheers,