...But I Am The Frenchiest!

Ahh well, here we are on Bastille Day in Paris doing what exactly? Ah yes...recovering.

Last night Pierre Parent had a party to celebrate 2 friends birthdays and Bastille Day. We headed over to the 14th to join him with the thought of going dancing after the party. I was wearing the Bulgarian skirt (which Ila told me made me look like a hooker with heels) and was ready to dance.

You see, Pierre and I were bored sitting in traffic last weekend coming home from Bourgogne so we had a dance contest in the back of the Audi. This was the chance to really have a dance competition and settle once and for all who can groove better.

We walk in the party and there are already several people there, so we do bisous about 25 times. We were hanging out at the party and then Claire came and brought our mixers. So then the dancing really started and there were fireworks! Pierre Parent and I squared off a few times on the dance floor but it was really no contest. I won every time. (Other people might disagree with me on this point, but it is my blog, so I get to state my opinion.)

After much galavanting around the apartment we headed off to a club at Montparnasse. We walk in and are surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of 17 year olds. Seriously! The whole club was filled with Euro babies! Somehow at Pierre's place one of his friends decided he loved Ila and I and was following us around. He was dancing with me and with her. He had a green shirt on, the color of Kermit The Frog, which was appropriate because he was French. He was a riot and when I told him he was "So French" his response was, But I am the Frenchiest!

Bien sur.

So we continued dancing with the pre-teens until the wee hours of the morning. I was tired by that point so Ila and I cabbed it home. It was also Annabelle's birthday so she had a party with some friends over. She made delicious food but when we got home the party had already ended. It was a great night.

So today we are finishing up packing for Barcelona, doing laundry, putting up pictures, etc. We head there tomorrow at 2 and move to our apartment. I am not, I repeat not looking forward to carrying the 5th grader, but I have no choice. Hopefully we make it to Barc in one piece, to start the Spanish jaunt!

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